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Dr. Barbara ten Brink bought a twenty- acre ranch-ito in Gruene, Texas (population 20) where she builds fences, hoes cactus, and runs cows. Every weekend, I feel connected to my grandmother, also a farmer. Granny’s reputation, her larger than life persona, her involvement with the entire community, her enthusiasm for work, her philanthropy are models to which I aspire. Working on my acreage, I imagine Clemmie working on her cotton farm. Harvesting mustang grapes, I visualize Clemmie canning preserves, making jellies, putting up stores of black-eyed peas, okra, tomatoes, and other produce she grew on her farm and shared with all of Brownfield, Texas. Every time I work at my ranch-ito, I channel Clemmie. I talk to her, Dear Granny, Have I done enough? Have I worked hard enough? Have I accomplished one-tenth of your humane accomplishments? I aspire to.

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